

The Winx! Probably my favourite show when I was young. I always thought their fairy form wasn’t very practical, so I to gave the girls a little redesign. I hope you like it!




There’s a subtle difference between just not specifically mentioning nonbinary people or outright denying any possibility of our existence/ relegating us to a status of impossibility. 

Like, using ‘people’, ‘human beings’, ‘adults’ (depending on context) rather than saying ‘men and women’. Saying ‘any gender’ instead of ‘both genders’. etc. 

And I crossed out that ‘subtle’ because the difference might seem subtle to you but it really really doesn’t seem subtle to me as a genderqueer person.

also, please stop saying “he or she” when you could just be saying “they”. It’s less awkward AND less dehumanising/ excluding to nonbinary people! win/win