No, Jesse Singal, the fact that life is complex does not mean that you cannot trust the identity of transgender people



Some of you may have read Jesse Singal’s article about transgender people in The Atlantic.  Singal presents a narrative where female to male transgender people are confused and misled. Since some gender variant people find peace with their assigned gender, the story implies, others could too.

If you are trans, I am sure some transphobes will show it to you, your friends or your family. The misgendering in The Atlantic’s promo tweet (above) gives them all they need.

“Liberals” who try to undermine the legitimacy of transgender identities can actually do more harm than binary conservatives. Singal  makes use of the fact that there is a spectrum of gender identities to imply that the ones who truly need help transitioning, may not be who they think they are.

Anti-trans “liberals” like Singal will often argue that since life is complex, messy and fluid  (which is true), means that trans kids cannot be trusted when they tell you who they are  (which is not true).  

If a young person continuously and persistently – and over a long period of time – tells you that they are a girl, a boy or some shade of non-binary, you’d better believe them.

Andrea James has written an excellent analysis of the text over at Boing Boing, which gives you the ideological and political context.

I am also taking the liberty of republishing a twitter thread written by Booker Mendes. It gives you the main arguments for why the narrative presented by Singal is so dangerous. 


See also trans philosopher and activist Julia Serano’s twitter thread about Jesse Singal’s history of anti-trans activism.

Serano also has an article that gives an overview over the transgender children debate.  Detransition, Desistance, and Disinformation.

Finally, Zack Ford of Think Progress has a good comment here

No, Jesse Singal, the fact that life is complex does not mean that you cannot trust the identity of transgender people



Today I got to go on one of our runs to more rural shelters to help relieve overcrowding there. We ended up bringing back 21 kittens and 10 dogs. So fun day. But this morning, while I was getting stuff together in preparation for the 90 minute drive…. This happened.

Excuse you Tiniest Opossum, but you are NOT allowed to escape through the front bars of the cat carrier we were housing you in. I’m going to put you back.


I am going to catch you and put you back and you have no say in this matter.


Catching you and putting you back now.


Aaaand back you go. Let go of the purple towel and go in the cardboard box.










@indigopersei is the french language just always on the verge of getting someone accused of assault or..?

my friend,
if only you knew

It’s a very dangerous language to learn

Here’s an interesting thing about French! Everything needs to have an article in front of it. That’s why it’s “la chat” as opposed to just “chat”. So, for instance, you could say la fille for the girl, or jeune fille for young girl, but you can’t just say fille, because that means you are calling her a sex worker in a derogatory way.

The moral of the story is, if you want to make something rude in French, just take out the article in front of it. Yes, this works for nearly. every. word.

#now I’m wondering how often my high school french teacher was silently screaming because of this little fact

Every year. Every year there’s that kid who forgets that you can’t translate “I am excited” to “Je suis excitée”. And every year Monsieur Jordan has to slam the brakes before that kid can finish his sentence and then tactfully ask him not to announce to the class that he is horny.

“is the french language always on the verge” oh buddy, oh pal, i am so happy to break this news to you: 

truly the language of love

this post pisses me off so much because like 75% of the French “facts” in it are wrong. @ ppl please sit down and let me explain to u a thing or two about proper French, and please please PLEASE for the love of god stop blindly believing Google Translate when there’s tons of better online EN/FR dictionaries for phrases (wordreference comes to mind but i’m sure there’s others)!

“coup de fou” means NOTHING. at all. say that to a French person and they’ll probably just look at u blankly.

in all my 24 years of life here in fucking France i have not heard or read “coup de foutre” ONCE. and i have heard and read a LOT of things. although i kiiiiind of see the idea behind it, since “foutre” is sorta old slang for cum, so it has some (very vague) merit. still wouldn’t recommend.

this is more minor but: it’s “LE chat”, not “LA chat”. the definite article “la” is used for grammatically feminine nouns (“le” for grammatically masculine nouns). now THIS gets funky, because the proper way to say “(female) cat” should then logically be “la chatte”… which NO ONE EVER (except like, old people, very small kids, and chaotic evil aligned folks) uses to describe female cats because “chatte” basically means pussy. don’t be that person and call female kitties “le chat, elle” instead! i pinky promise u ppl will GET IT, because otherwise you’d be saying pussy, and they know, and they know you know. it’s all good.

otherwise i’d tend to agree using a noun without articles can change its meaning, but. i don’t have sources or anything for that one, it’s just feeling, but i feel like the “everything is insulting if you remove the article” is actually more the exception that the rule? and is only ever really used when you’re directly addressing people anyway, like “hey [noun]”? citation needed tho. either way it can also be very cute, like if you call someone u love “chaton” (kitten) it Works, because HAVE YOU SEEN BABY CATS they are adorable!! hell yeah for kittens!!!

the “verge” thing (and anything i didn’t bother mentioning) is correct!

that’s all for me whew. enjoy ur improved knowledge of the French language while i go back to sleep