So what’s your take on the current situation with Nintendo going on a warpath with ROM sites and shutting some of the bigger ones down? You’re following Nintendo pretty keenly, so I figure you’ve got an opinion on it, but I don’t think I’ve seen any yet.


nintendo is pretty much the only big company that actually cares about people pirating older games and they’re the only company that takes action against it.

like, Sega actually lets you upload romhacks to the Steam Workshop for their Genesis Classics collection. 

nobody that made those old games would see any of the money they’d make from a potential sale. the game was made 30 years ago and nobody kept proper records of who worked on what. the money for games like that just goes to “Nintendo,” the entity that exists solely in concept. 

pirating a NES or SNES game is a victimless crime and emulating those games is often the only way people CAN play those games anymore. nobody outside of Japan would have ever played Mother 3 if it weren’t for piracy and emulation.

plus there are games that just aren’t being sold anymore. you can only find used copies, and used copy sales don’t go to the developers. at that rate, you might as well just pirate and emulate the game. that logic doesn’t just apply to games from the 80s or 90s, either. there’s games being released NOW that are unplayable without emulation or piracy. 

You know the Konami Rebirth games? Gradius Rebirth, Castlevania Rebirth, and Contra Rebirth? As of this year, there are officially no ways to buy those games. The Wii Shop Channel is down and that was the only place you could buy them. If you want to play any of those games, you have two options:

Option 1: Find someone selling a Wii with the game already installed on it (no money goes to the developers)

Option 2: Pirate a digital copy and load it on your hacked Wii or in Dolphin (no money goes to the developers)

You see? We need emulation and piracy for the sake of preserving these games where there’s no other option. 

So for Nintendo to go after pirates and emulators AND offer no alternative, official method to play these games is just ludicrous. It’s just a dick-waving power move. This is literally just them flexing to “preserve the integrity of their brand.” 

And before anyone asks, no, I am not condoning piracy of all games. If there’s an official and reasonable option that supports the developers, you should take it. Always support artists.

But Companies? Companies that own the creations made by talented artists, that screw those artists out of their hard-earned money through poor record keeping and no regard for preservation of the art they’re selling as a product? Fuck companies. If the official options don’t exist, or the official option doesn’t actually support the people that made the game and just gets swallowed by “the company,” fuck it. Pirate the game. 

Here’s another example: the original Doom. Zenimax owns Bethesda owns Id Software owns Doom. That said, nobody who actually made the Doom that released in 1993 actually works at Id Software anymore. Everyone who made that game left. When you buy Doom, the money just gets swallowed by Zenimax, a company that did not make the game but owns the rights to sell the game. So fuck it. Steal Doom. Romero and Carmack encourage it. 

in short, if it directly benefits the developers pay for it whenever you can. if it doesn’t, fuck it. nobody at Konami is missing meals because you’re emulating a copy of Shattered Soldier on the PS2. 



uhhhhhhhhh i just figured out that “ofc” is “of fucking course” but this whole time i’ve been reading it “ofcourse” ………… anyway if u need a dumbass just hmu

nope you’re wrong!! it does mean of course!! when i saw this text post i was pretty shocked, so i ventured into the world of google search in order to verify it. the only mentions i could find it meaning ‘of fucking course’ was burried in urban dictionary, quite low down and downvoted more than upvoted. also the first mention of that was 2009, while ofc meaning ‘of course’ was most upvoted & from 2004. all other internet acronym sites state it meaning ‘of course’. so you’re not a dumbass (i’m sick of this ‘dumbass meme’ culture that (mostly) women subscribe to on the internet anyway! you keep jokingly calling yourselves dumb for things that don’t remotely make you dumb, you’re gonna internalise it. ANYWAY thanks for coming to my TED talk. you’re wrong. rest easy. 





So if a Fuckor is when someone makes an assumption about you that is 100% correct but you really hate that they were able to expose you so easily

What’s the opposite of that should be called?

I mean when someone make an assumption about you that’s so wrong you’re very confused as to how the fuck they ever could come to this conclusion  

how about “contrafuckor”

I’ll take it

New ask game : make assumptions about me and I’ll reply with either “Fuckor” or “Contrafuckor”